Not On My Watch!

School safety, public building safety, and general public safety are in the thoughts of every caring American. As leaders, managers, officers, board members, and administrators it is our duty to protect our children and our people. Bad guys with guns are linear thinkers with a focus on soft targets. It is our job to harden our facilities, preferably in an innocuous way, and give our officers, SRO’s, security guards and personnel in leadership positions the hardening and tools they require to protect, defend, and defeat these bad people.

Executive Wood Products, Inc, a 42 year, 100% American Made Manufacturer, has been a leader in the development and production of innocuous, anti-ballistic workstations, fixtures, furnishings, furniture, lecterns, doorways, and tactical mobile panels, since 2001. Our solutions are unique, attractive, completely innocuous, safe, and have zero points of vulnerability. Our products provide the tactical advantage required to prevent loss of life.

We invite you to hear our whole story, examine the nuances and advantages of our products so together we can turn the tide on unsafe environments.

As a responsible corporate citizen, patriot, and an advocate of personal safety, we have made it our mission to always be able to say with conviction: “Not On My Watch!”

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