Work/Life Balance Is A Myth! by Paul Alexander

“I have spent my life thinking I was out of balance. Thinking I put too much emphasis on my work and believing I was limited because of my focus. I told myself it was okay, saying to myself, “it is what it is, I am who I am!”

Then, recently I realized something that gives me clarity; the so called “balance” is an illusion. The actual answer is in work/life integration. It goes both ways, we (those of us who love the personal and work life we have chosen) integrate our work into our personal lives and our personal lives into our work!

For example, when something happens like: A community college calls and asks for a quote for four Senators™ and four Graduates™, and suddenly you are excited and looking for people to tell, with whom to share your joy, (People who will understand your elation). You tell not only your coworkers but carry that thrill into your personal life and tell your loved ones. In this moment it becomes clear, you are integrated! In this moment we realize our success at work gives us joy at home.

When we sit at our desks, or collaborate with our teammates, focused upon our work and the growth of our business, (meanwhile the voices and faces of our families resonate in the back of our minds) we are integrated.

If you do the work you do, if you are only here for the money, this is not the work life for you!

To achieve true integration, in its purest form, we must each discover our personal “why”.

Why do we do what we do, both personally and professionally, what are our goals and aspirations?

Mine are actually quite simple; I wish to make a difference in the world!
I wish to help make people safe, to save lives. I wish to support their desire to present themselves in such a way, from behind our lecterns, that assists them to make their messages more meaningful.

If we dress for success, it stands to reason, we should also equip ourselves with the accoutrement that completes our image and gives us the power of presence!

Clearly, my “why” is to give world leaders, and influencers, that power of presence, along with providing safer environments for our children, tools for first responders,and safe havens for anyone at risk.

My “why”, my work/life integration, our company and its accompanying reputation, these things are my/our legacy.”

– Founder and CEO, Paul Alexander

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