Hide ‘n Sweep

Finally, an elegant, quality solution to unsightly robotic vacuums parked in plain view in your otherwise perfect rooms.

Sometime ago, we were having a new product concept meeting in our office. We went around the table and everyone presented their ideas for unique, useful products. When it was her turn, Jan, our President Emeritus who is celebrating 24 years with the company, was excited and animated (Jan is an analytical and is never excited and animated about anything) as she described her idea for a parking enclosure for robotic vacuums. We have three in the office and nearly everyone has them at home and we all thought it was an amazing idea. The next morning, we built a plywood prototype and it performed perfectly. The vacuum exited, swept the room and parked itself (out-of-sight) without a hitch. We immediately went to work building a solid oak prototype and pairing the different options with elegant floor tiles for decorations or bases for potted plants. Since then, everyone who comes to our office is amazed with the product and wants one immediately.

Hide ‘n Sweep™ is 100% American made (in Missouri) of solid hardwood, available in your choice of three species, beautiful dovetail joinery, and a durable three-coat, hand-sanded, specially-formulated, poly finish. Inlaid porcelain tile adds character and style to any room, or provides the perfect surface for a potted plant.

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