Author name: jan


Lectern – A Crutch or a Tool?

Using a lectern can be a crutch, but it should serve as an anchor—a place for notes and a stable point of command. Your stance and how you use the lectern will be obvious to the audience, with non-verbal cues as important as your words. Since 50% of the audience are visual learners, consistency between your actions and words is crucial.


Not On My Watch!

Executive Wood Products, Inc. produces durable and effective anti-ballistic furniture, fixtures, and furnishings to ensure public safety. As advocates of personal safety, our mission is to provide law enforcement personnel with the tactical advantage needed to prevent loss of life.


Lectern or Podium?

The difference is simple: you stand behind a lectern and on a podium. When giving a speech, you use a lectern; when receiving an award, you stand on a podium. Lectern comes from the Latin “lectus” meaning “to read,” while podium derives from “podia,” meaning “platform.”


Hide ‘n Sweep

Hide ‘n Sweep™ is 100% American made (in Missouri) of solid hardwood, available in your choice of three species, beautiful dovetail joinery, and a durable three-coat, hand-sanded, specially-formulated, poly finish. Inlaid porcelain tile adds character and style to any room, or provides the perfect surface for a potted plant.


Highest Quality Means Best Value!

We are renowned for high-quality solid wood lecterns, podiums, workstations, ESD workbenches, and anti-ballistic furniture. While some competitors try to copy our products, the genuine quality of our offerings sets us apart. We often find competitors using our images to sell inferior copies, leading to customer dissatisfaction.


Protect Our Children

An open letter to all Concerned Parents, Concerned Citizens, School Administrators, Teachers, Business People, and Government Officials. We must act now to protect our children. If you have solutions or wish to collaborate, please contact us directly.


Making Memorable Presentations: Tips for Speaking

Preparation ensures a confident and effective presentation! To engage your audience effectively, start by outlining your main points and structure, summarizing them in your conclusion. Practice thoroughly to master your material and timing, reducing reliance on notes. Familiarize yourself with the presentation space and lectern setup to ensure everything is in order.

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